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Any substance that is made up of sugar (carbohydrate), fat, water and/or protein and can be ingested by living
organisms is called food.Living things eat food not only to survive but also to live a healthy and active
Food contains many nutrients that develop the body, keep it healthy and provide strength. Food is an immediate source of energy.

1 Chocolate Pudding $15,000


Nestled amidst the picturesque English countryside,
The Lindeth Howe Country House is a
delightful blend of rustic charm
and opulent luxury, providing a serene escape
from the bustling streets of London.
Within this exquisite English manor,
guests are greeted with a selection of
generously appointed rooms, pampering holistic treatments,
and a renowned restaurant led by the
esteemed Executive Chef Marc Guilbert.

2. Louis Xiii Pizza $10,000


The most expensive pizza in the world,
Louis XIII is known to have been created by Renato Viola.
The pizza was initially created for two
people and was just 20 cm. The dough used for it took as long
as 72 hours to rise and needs to rest for a
long time before being cooked.
It is made of ingredients like three types of
caviar - Oscietra Royal Prestige,
Kaspia Oscietra Royal Classic from the Iranian coast, and Kaspia Beluga.
Besides the caviar,
the pizza also features a very expensive lobster that
has been shipped from Norway,
along with seven types of cheese. Costing as much as US$ 12,000,
the Louis XIII pizza is served in Salerno, Italy.

3. Tasty gluten-free noodle $5,000


For those with gluten intolerance, having a plate of pasta or noodles
is a tenuous option. Most pasta is made from wheat,
whereas wheat-free or gluten-free types turn out
to be poor mushy and unpalatable relatives of
its wheat-made variants. However, Asian cuisine does offer
a whole host of gluten-free noodles with
ingredients such as rice, sweet potatoes,
and mung beans. These noodle variants might not have the same
taste and texture as wheat-based pasta or noodles,
but it brings its own delectable flavour to the dish.

4 . Fleurburger $4,000


Served in Fleur by Hubert Keller in Las Vegas, the FleurBurger
5000 is the most expensive burger not only in the
US but also in the world and comes with a price
tag of US$ 5,000. The mouthwatering
dish features Wagyu beef and is
topped with foie gras and truffles.
It also comes with a few slabs of prime foie gras
and duck fat in a freshly baked brioche bun. br'
The burger is served with a bottle of 1995 Petrus.

5. Gulab jamun $2,000


Gulab Jamun literally translated to rose berries,
while rose means gulab and jamun are deep purple
colour berries. It is a milk-solid-based
sweet from the Indian subcontinent,
popular in India. It is made mainly from
milk solids, traditionally from Khoya,
which is milk reduced to
the consistency of a soft dough.


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